Combined Cadet Force
The mission of the Mossbourne HAC Combined Cadet Force is to give young people access to opportunities for personal development outside of the classroom.
Over the course of their time with the CCF, cadets embark on a range of trips, training camps, qualifications and leadership events that will shape their growth into young adults.
Although cadet forces follow some of the customs and traditions of their parent Service – in this case, the Army - the purpose of the CCF is not to produce soldiers or military personnel. Cadets make no commitment to military service of any kind when they join.
Instead, the intent is to offer challenging and fun activities designed to prepare Mossbourne cadets to be active members of the community while developing valuable life skills.
CCF Values
Selfless Commitment
Respect for Others
Courage - Moral & Physical
“The evidence so far has been overwhelmingly positive and demonstrates that the Cadet Forces make a huge difference to improve school attendance, develop confidence and help young people become more successful.”
Professor Simon Denny, Executive Dean at the University of Northampton